Clinical Hypnotherapy is a very personal and your confidentiality is of the upmost importance to me. I follow the British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis code of conduct and as such I will endeavour to keep your information private.
Under law there is a legal obligation for me to report exceptions such as in circumstances when there may be a danger to the client or others or a breach of child protection.
There may be an occasion when I feel the client's G.P. or specialist should be consulted/informed and in these circumstances permission will be sought and agreed upon before contact is made.
If on-line therapy is used via video link, e.g. zoom, the client is required to follow pre-arranged rules which include providing an emergency contact number, a private room to work quietly in, must not record the session unless permission is asked before hand and any recordings agreed must not be published by the client or therapist without prior permissions being obtained.